Best Practices for Google AdWords PPC Campaign

Google Adwords PPC

Google launched their first display network campaign back in 1999! Since then, they have constantly improved their platform and now provide much more data than ever before during every step of the process – from setting up your adwords campaign to optimizing your results. As with all things related to online advertising, there are many ways to display advertisements, so it’s important to study best practices before getting started.

 This will help you choose where and how often you show your ads, what kind of ad formats to use and a few other

If your goal is sales then focus on places where it’s likely that someone would have already searched for similar products. For example, if your product is a digital marketing agency then aim at technology-related news sites and pages rather than those specializing in home decor.

It’s not always easy to find these high converting potential customers, so consider running smaller campaigns targeting narrower audiences and in different verticals. If your goal is brand awareness then you need to increase the number of people who have seen your ads, so having a larger reach is crucial. This means that you should show it all over the place – from any type of site carrying your market’s interest topics to specific pages about similar products or services. A professional Digital marketing agency in Kolkata can only handle it properly

Benefits of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a great way to advertise your products and services.

Advertising within Google AdWords allows businesses the opportunity to reach thousands of potential customers, whether they are searching for a product or service in their local area or even throughout the world. Businesses pay only when someone clicks on their ad which is displayed as a link at the top of the Google search engine results page.

Advertising within Google AdWords allows businesses to be more specific about where they want their advertisement displayed, meaning that it’s possible to target certain demographics depending on location.

Here we will go through some best practices for buying AdWords:

1) Ensure quality scoring in your keyword research tool.

2) Use broad match with negative keywords to show ads when people search something related, but not exactly what you define as a keyword

3) Use broad match modifier (BMM) to make the exact match more relevant, such as with misspellings or plurals of your keywords

4) Don’t mix broad and modifier match types for the same campaign; it causes bad quality scores and wasted traffic

5) Ensure that your landing page is relevant to the keyword you are bidding on

6) Don’t be afraid to use exact match; Google has improved so that it brings good traffic, but still not as much as broad match

7) Use close variants when the words in your keywords are interchangeable

8) Use negative keywords to cut down on wasted clicks and filtering out irrelevant searches (such as misspellings or plurals)

9) Ensure good quality scores by having a relevant, well-optimized landing page and bids that are within the average price range for searches of that keyword

10) Have a high maximum bid, but manage your budgets so you don’t go over them too much

11) Monitor your results with an analytics package such as Google Analytics

12) Have a good CPA goal in mind to make the most of your traffic and bids

13) Ensure the landing page is mobile-friendly, or use separate mobile campaigns if it isn’t.

And while doing all of these things right will get you on-target for better results than just throwing money into an AdWords campaign, no matter what you do there will be wasted clicks and bad placements.

Google Ads

Few more additional information

 Strong knowledge of statistics, quality scores, bid management, and analytics will put you on the road to success with Google ads. But even with all this expertise, now and then someone will click your ad for no good reason. It’s called a “zoo click,” and it will happen, even though you did everything right.

Just remember that these clicks still count against your budget, but not towards your quality score. So the amount of wasted traffic for this mistake is counted twice: once in the total wasted impressions/clicks and then again in the bad quality score.

So in an attempt to prevent wasting any traffic, make sure to check your campaign statistics regularly and adjust bids or keywords as you see fit. The last thing you want is wasted clicks on irrelevant traffic just because of one little mistake with your AdWords campaign.


In conclusion, if making sales is important for you then aim at narrower audiences with high converting potential among them, but consider buying smaller chunks of traffic from time to time by expanding the geographical area, targeting specific types of sites or going after a wider audience in a single campaign. If brand awareness plays a big role in your company strategy then pick a large enough target audience and as wide a net as possible. Lastly, hire a digital marketing agency like code buzzers for best results.